West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti  has published a new job notification for the recruitment of Community Health Officer (CHO) vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in this job vacancy can follow the Notification & Apply Online.

Name of the posts- Community Health Officer (CHO) vacancy 2021

Total posts-1500

Apply mode- Online

Age limit– 18-40 years

Job location- West bengal

start date of apply online application– 02/11/2021

Last date of apply online application- 15/11/2021

Application fee- Rs.100/-

Educational qualification –

Candidates must be Passed BASM / Integrated Course of BPCCHN included in B.SC Nursing / Post Basic B.Sc Nursing in the year 2020 / 2021, from an institute recognized by West Bengal Nursing Council.

Seletion process-Selection will be made by written exam & interview. 85% from written tests and 15% from viva voce. The final merit will be prepared for appointment in any SC-SK in any district of West Bengal.

Category wise vacancy-

General – 780 posts

SC – 330 posts

ST – 90 posts

For more job notification can follow the website- www.vargou.com

For more job notification can follow the website- www.wnhealth.gov.in


Declaration– Vargoujobs.com is an online career information provider, it provides information about the latest job recruitment in various fields, and career related courses, job eligibility and syllabus. This online portal is not a recruiting agency. It collects the content from our various sources to keep the job seekers updated. Hence Job Seekers are advised to access the official notifications from the websites of the recruiting authority to know their eligibility and others.

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